Obama Says Government Doesn't Have Alien Specimens, But UFOs Are Real https://t.co/JPfwHxCkbM via @vice
— ???????? ?????????? (@paulmacko) May 18, 2021
I was on the new and popular app Clubhouse one night. I was in a room about #digitalmarketing, as it is something which interests me.
Paris Hilton showed up, and spoke for a little over an hour about her thoughts of this new IOS only (at the time) application. Clubhouse is like a podcast crossed with an open phone party line.
She is very well spoken and the thousands of listeners, myself included, felt privileged to be so closely connected with a true star.
Paris is an extremely sharp young lady, quite tech savvy, and a real observer as well as being a pop culture idol. She has over 16 million followers on Twitter alone.
She predicted that the audio only platform (Clubhouse) would become a real major player in the social media landscape. Said it would overtake #Facebook as a platform leader.
I tweeted about her prognostications, and tagged her.
A couple of days later, she replied to my tweet, favorited it, and started following me.
I really don't care much for vanity metrics like this, but I gotta tell you, it made an old dude feel kind of good for a minute ...
the NFT bandwagon #marketoon https://t.co/VK8x6E1ndG via @tomfishburne
— Hepo (@hepo_paul) May 18, 2021
Sotheby?s 'Natively Digital' Auction to Feature Pak, CryptoPunks NFTs (via @decryptmedia) https://t.co/nlE7pNd6B9
— Hepo (@hepo_paul) May 19, 2021
Follow @hepo_paul's NFT list. It's fun to scroll and look at the new digital art!